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Garage Gym Plyometric Box 30in x 24in x 20in 3 in 1 Natural 3/4in Plywood -- New
$174.99 $218.74
sku: 050615-100s-ACV
UPC: 662225747834
- High quality custom made plyometric box. Garage gym style finish to go with any home gym, CrossFit box, or fitness center. Gym styling means the finish is not furniture quality as these boxes are going to get used and abused. Sanded edges to ease the pain when the shin hits. A must have item for every home and professional gym. Please allow 7 to 10 days for construction and then another 7 to 10 days for shipping.
- Garage Gym Plyometric Box 30in x 24in x 20in 3 in 1 Natural 3/4in Plywood.
- Material: Plywood.
- Item Number: 100-050615.
- Exact item size plus or minus 1/4 inch - 30in length x 24in width x 20in height.
- Country of Manufacture: United States.
- Feature: Internal Bracing.
- Feature: Anti-Skid Coating.
- Feature: Custom Finish.
- Custom anti skid coating that will keep you from slipping due to water or sweat.
- Handcrafted to make each item unique and personal.
- Please request a custom design or logo you want applied to box. Additional cost may apply.
- Comes fully assembled unlike many boxes that require work before use.
- All joints are glued and screwed for maximum strength.
Condition: New
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
- Appearance Notes and Score: None - 10
- Operational Notes and Score: None - 10
- Complete Item Notes and Score: None - 10
Source: Artisan
Category: Sports Equipment & Supplies
FAST DELIVERY!!! All items are shipped the next business day except custom made items.
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Business Hours 10:30am to 5:30pm PST
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Phone Number 360-927-8239
730 E Smith Rd
Bellingham, WA 98226
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