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Jakemart will ship your order within (1 to 2) Business Days.
Jakemart ships worldwide - some items are too big or too heavy so international shipping is not available. These bigger items are available for local pickup only.
We carefully wrap every package to ensure a safe delivery.
When ordering more than one item, Jakemart offers 50% off the shipping cost of additional items. Full shipping will be paid for the item with the highest shipping cost. When accepting the Jakemart combined shipping discount, the buyer acknowledges that Jakemart will get to choose which shipping service is utilized and it may be different than the service specified in the individual listing.
Please let us know if we can be of service to you for any of your concerns. Satisfied customers are our number one goal. Jakemart will pay for return shipping if the item ordered does not match the description in the listing. If you decide to return the item for any reason please notify Jakemart within 30 days of receipt of the item that you would like to proceed with a return. Please note items listed as "used with defect", "parts/not working", "untested" or "as is" cannot be returned for a refund and buyer agrees they are purchasing an item that has or may have serious defects.