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About Us

We get many of our items from store returns, overstocks, shelf pulls, closeouts, and last year's models.
What does that mean? It means we sell like-new items for 25% to 75% less than Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Amazon, Fred Meyer, and other large retailers. This includes products such as electronics, computer equipment, furniture, music/movies/books, exercise equipment, tools, phones, toys, childrens items, clothes, and household goods.
Additionally, we acquire items from estates and businesses liquidating or looking to sell excess inventory and equipment. These items include antiques, collectibles, industrial equipment, building materials, and jewelry.
Jakemart also accepts items via consignment. Many people and businesses enjoy the convenience of using Jakemart to sell a huge variety of items. They are secure in knowing we are honest and fair. We provide a building that is fully sprinkled, monitored by video and alarms, and insured to cover items if damage occurs to their valuables.
All of the items are inspected, photographed, and marketed at all levels: