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Building Supplies
Huge Selection and Many Hard to Find Items
Leviton Receptacle Outlet 50A 125/250V 4in x 3in x 3in -- Used
Standard Capacitors Lot of 3 -- Used
GE Capacitor 170 VAC Liquid Free 6in x 1.5in x 1.5in 78L 1100 -- Used
Standard 125/250V 30A Male Plug NEMA 14-30 Angle Straight Blade -- Used
Wiremold T-Bar Bracket Collar 5in x 4in x 2.25in Metal -- New
Walker Walkermold Bridge 3in x 3in x 1.25in 1731A Metal -- New
Standard Bracket With Screw On Clamp 4in x 3.25in x 2.5in Metal -- Used
Wiremold 90 Degree Corner Box Fitting 4in x 4in x 3in 5719 -- New
Wiremold Junction Utility Box 1 Channel Overfloor Raceway 3.5in x 2in x 1in 1528 -- Used
Allen-Bradley Oiltight Pilot Control Unit Standard Operator Series N 800T-N2KF4B -- New
BRK Electronics Switch Box Single Pole Single Throw 30 A 120/240 VAC TC 110 -- New
Square D Neutral Current Transformer 6.25in x 4in x 4in NE12CT2 Metal -- Used