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Building Supplies
Huge Selection and Many Hard to Find Items
Bowers 104-W-FB-1/2 Outlet Box 4in x 2 1/8in x 2 1/8in -- New
Caddy BC400 Beam Clamp 3/8in Lot of 4 -- New
Siemens Q120 Circuit Breaker 20A Single Pole -- New
B-Line B444-3/8 Rod to Beam Clamps 3/8in Lot of 3 -- New
BWF Manufacturing FC-81V Duplex Receptacle Switch Cover Gray -- Used
Crouse-Hinds PLG3 Recessed Conduit Plug 1in -- New
Bridgeport Conduit Straps 1in RMT Conduit Lot of 28 -- New
Arlington Industries 372 Conduit Straps 1in EMT Box of 53 -- New
Conduit Straps 1in TW Conduit Lot of 46 -- New
Bridgeport 1920 Conduit Straps 1/2in EMT Box of 143 -- New
Electrical Item Channel and Angle Brackets 11in x 6in x 2in -- Used
Cooper B-Line B3690-4-PLTD Conduit Hanger Lay-in J Type 4in -- New