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Rocketfish DSLite Kit RF-GDS006 Clear Case Screen Protector Stylus Cords Car Charger Ear Buds -- New
$12.99 $14.61
Condition: New
Vendor: Rocketfish
SKU: 031711-929a
UPC: '641606639074
Notes: You love the fun and convenience of gaming on the go with your Nintendo DS Lite. With this Starter Kit, you'll get a variety of accessories designed to heighten your enjoyment of your DS Lite. Keep your DS Lite safe at home and on the go, and ensure you have the tools on hand to enjoy favorite games no matter where you are. Keep your DS Lite and the accessories you need together and easily accessible with the kit's convenient carrying case, and ensure your DS Lite is well protected even while you play your favorite games by inserting it into the clear polycarbonate play-thru case. A USB car charger lets you power up while you're on the road, and the DS Lite USB cable allows quick recharging at home or on the go. Two screen shields guard against screen damage, while two retractable styli and a set of ear buds let you enjoy your favorite game at a moment's notice without disturbing others around you.
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