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Household Items
Everything for the House
Lithonia Low Voltage 4in Adjustable Housing 120 Volt DLV ADJ 4 120 HSG -- New
Contemporary 6in Wall Sconce Light Accent Frosted/Antique Gold Single Bulb -- Used
Contemporary 4in Wall Sconce Light Accent Frosted/Bright Chrome Leaf Design -- Used
Standard Threaded Mounting Hardware And Plates White Metal -- Used
Contemporary 10in Ceiling Light Fixture Ribbed Glass Frosted/White F93WH02 -- Used
Contemporary 20in Ceiling Light Fixture Halogen Frosted/White T359 -- Used
Standard 12in Ceiling Light Fixture Two Bulb Frosted/White Contemporary -- Used
Sylvania 26W Dulux D Compact Fluorescent Lamp White CF26DD-835-ECO 21114 -- New
Sylvania 86W Fluorescent Lamp F096-735-HO-ECO T8 96in Cool White Octron 22204-0 -- New
Sylvania 95W Fluorescent Lamp F96T12-CW-HO-SS 96in Cool White Supersaver 25010-1 -- New
Westinghouse 500W Tungsten Halogen Lamp120V Clear 2,000 Hours 500 T3Q/CL -- New
Philips 500W Incandescent Light Bulb PS40 Frosted Silverbowl 5H-PS40-M Vintage -- New