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Household Items
Everything for the House
Standard Flower Pot 4in D x 4in H Shiny Silver Traditional Round Terra Cotta -- Used
Designer Flower Pot 6 1/2in Diameter x 6in H Pink Modern Round Plastic -- New
Designer Flower Pot 12in L x 7 1/2in H x 4in D Shiny Chrome Modern Metal -- New
Designer Flower Pot 14 1/2in L x 6in D x 5 1/2in H Shiny Chrome Modern Ceramic -- New
Designer Flower Pot 11in L x 4in D x 3 3/4in H Shiny Chrome Modern Boat Glass -- New
Designer Flower Vase 9in H x 5in Diameter Chrome Traditional Handle Round Brass -- New
Designer Flower Vase Decorative 12in H x 5in D Chrome Traditional Handle Brass -- New
Designer Flower Pot 8in W x 8in D x 4in H Clear Modern Square Glass -- New
Designer Flower Vase 8in H x 5in D Plum Modern Round Curved Glass -- New
FTD Flower Vase With Bear 7in H x 3 1/4in D Green/Brown Modern Round Ceramic -- New
FTD Flower Vase 8in H x 4in D Clear Traditional Round Fluted Glass -- New
Designer Vase Decorative 8in H x 4 1/2in D Purple Modern Round Curved Glass -- New