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USPS Scott U538 2c Envelope 2c Surcharge Washington Lot of 5 Red -- New
USPS Scott U536a 4c Envelope Washington Lot of 2 Red -- New
USPS Scott U537 2c Envelope Washington Lot of 2 Red -- New
USPS Scott U579 2.7c Envelope Non Profit Organization Lot of 5 Green -- New
USPS Scott U564 8c Envelope Conference on the Aging Blue -- New
USPS Scott U591 5.9c Envelope Non Profit Organization Lot of 8 Brown -- New
USPS Scott U549 4c Envelope Old Ironsides Lot of 2 Blue -- New
USPS Scott U575 13c U.S. Postage Envelope Craftsman Bicentennial Era Lot of 4 -- New
USPS Scott U551 6c Envelope Statue of Liberty Lot of 5 -- New
USPS Scott 2410 2412 2414 2415 2421 C120 UX135 First Day of Issue Qty 6 -- New
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