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United States Postal Service
USPS Scott UX98 UX109 UX112 UX114 UX114 13c & 14c Postal Card Lot of 15 -- New
USPS Scott UX50 UX52 UX53 UX57 UX105 UXC7 UXC18 UXC19 UXC21 Postal Cards Qty 9 -- New
USPS Scott U439 U541 U542 U607 U609 UX48 UX88 UC5 Envelopes Postal Cards Qty 18 -- New
USPS Scott UX125 UX128 UX145 UX148 UX150 UX152 15c Postal Cards Qty 76 -- New
USPS Scott UX119 14c Historic Preservation Timberline Lodge Postal Cards Qty 6 -- New
USPS Scott 2066 2080 2086 2091 2093 2103 20c First Day of Issue Qty 6 -- New
USPS Scott 2074 2088 2090 2092 2094 2096 20c First Day of Issue Qty 6 -- New
USPS Scott 2067-2070 2082-2085 2089 2097 20c First Day of Issue Qty 6 -- New
USPS Scott 2071 2075 2081 2087 2102 2106 20c First Day of Issue Qty 6 -- New
USPS Scott 2076 2077 2078 2079 2098 2099 2100 2101 20c First Day of Issue Qty 4 -- New
USPS Scott UXC22 UXC23 UXC24 33c 36c Airmail Postal Cards Lot of 40 -- New
USPS Scott UO074 22c Legal Envelope Official Mail Lot of 2 Blue -- New