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Household Items
Everything for the House
Custom Made Bath Set Soap Dish Towel Hanger Bathrobe Hook * Steel Enamel -- Used
Hallmark Snack Dish with 3 Bowls White 11in x 10in 21-35rt * Ceramic -- Used
Generic Spatulas 12in Set of 2 04-011uy * Bamboo -- Used
Earthsense Garbage Can Liners 55-60gal Box of 100 RNW 5820 * Plastic -- New
Generic Votive Candle Holder 3 1/2in x 3 1/2in 08-14f * Glass -- Used
Generic Tumblers Set of 3 7-02-3 * Glass -- Used
Generic Sundae Glasses Lot of 3 46-57fg * Glass -- Used
Generic Bar Glasses Lot of 6 BF-901 * Glass -- Used
Generic Cocktail Measuring Tool 1oz 1 1/2oz 19-24-77 * Aluminum -- Used
Handmade Mosaic Pedestal 12in x 6 1/2in x 6 1/2in * Terra Cotta Tile -- Used
Custom Made Throw Pillow Beige Floral Brocade 16in x 16in * Fabric -- Used
Wilson Pet Harness Adjustable 30in x 1/2in Yellow Leather Metal -- Used