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Household Items
Everything for the House
UL 1500 Desktop Organizer with Lamp 15in x 8in x 7in Plastic Ceramic -- Used
Astra 1008P Toilet Paper Holder 9in x 3 1/2in x 2 1/2in Plastic Metal -- New
Jody Bergsma You Can Do It Coffee Mug 5in x 5in x 3 1/2in Ceramic -- Used
Set of 3 Glasses with Letter t 5in x 3 1/2in x 3 1/2in Glass -- Used
Set of 4 Clear Mugs 5 1/2in x 4in x 3in Glass -- Used
Leather Cylinder Decor with Buckle 11in x 11in x 16in Leather Metal -- Used
Stoneware Soup Bowl 7in x 7in x 2in Ceramic -- Used
Container with Attached Lid 13in x 7in x 7 Metal -- Used
Flower Vase 9 1/2in 5in x 5in Clear Glass -- Used
Heirloom Lace Collection Oval Box 4 1/2in x 3 1/2in x 2 1/2in Fabric Wood -- New
Master Lock Padlock NIB -- New
Luxury Bedding Set 300 count Sateen Queen Size -- New