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USPS Scott C30 30c Air Mail Transport Plane 1941 Mint NH OG Plate Block 4 Stamps -- New
$30.00 $37.00
sku: 031513-1224c
USPS Scott C30 30c Air Mail Transport Plane 1941 Mint NH OG Plate Block 4 Stamps. Material: Paper. Color: Blue. Made In United States. A new set of airmail stamps with the twin-motored transport plane design made their appearance beginning in 1941. These stamps were intended to cover the various rates in effect for both domestic and overseas airmail service. The 30 issue was used on trans-Atlantic airmail to Europe.
Condition: New
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
- Appearance Notes and Score: None - 10
- Operational Notes and Score: None - 10
- Complete Item Notes and Score: None - 10
Source: Estate Sale
Category: Stamps
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