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Household Items
Everything for the House
Allen+Roth 1-in Adjustable Drapery Rod Set White Brushed Pewter
Volivo RGB LED Strip Lights Multicolored 25-ft Left R35-75NWF-02 -- Used
Potey Planter Baskets Lot of 3 Grey Hand Woven Seagrass Fiber -- New
LED 9W Light Bulbs Set of 6 A19 Frosted Warm White E26 Base 60 Watt Equivalent -- New
Vintage Style LED Filament Bulb 4W A19 Frosted Warm White 25W Replacement -- New
Standard Magic Peeler Black/Silver -- New
Evelots Erasable Food Labels White/Black 70 Assorted Labels -- New
Nutone Under Cabinet Above Stove Hood Vent
Rubbermaid Storage Tote 16in x 11in x 6in -- Used
Sterilite Storage Tote 23in x 17in x 11.5in 58-Qt 55-L Vintage -- Used
Sterilite Storage Tote 23in x 16.5in x 12.5in -- Used
Rubbermaid Storage Tote 16in x 11.5in x 9.5in -- Used