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Shop by Price
Building Supplies
Huge Selection and Many Hard to Find Items
Cooper TRE18-C-142CT-DT-BK Exterior Wall Light 42W 18in Diameter -- New
Light Concepts 273580 Fluorescent Wall Bracket White for 2 each 20W T12 Bulbs -- New
Halo 426 6-Inch Specular Clear Reflector Cone Trim -- New
Juno Lighting 215W-WH 5in Downlight Baffle White with White Trim -- New
Juno Lighting 434B-WH Downlight Baffle 4in Black -- New
Cooper B-Line BB8-16 Mounting Bracket 3 Box Locations 16In -- New
Yale Heritage D881772B Deadbolt Set 3in x 2 1/2in x 2 1/2in Metal Pewter Color -- New
Unicatch UDA21 15* Angle Finish Nail 2in Qty 2000 Metal -- New
Fixture Fittings 4in Lot of 4 -- Used
Octagon Electrical Boxes Lot of 3 -- Used
Electrical Boxes 4in Steel Lot of 2 -- Used
Switch Wall Plates Lot of 7 -- Used