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Building Supplies
Huge Selection and Many Hard to Find Items
Telemecanique Contactor 3 Pole 240 VAC 160A 600VAC 8in x 7.5in x 7in LC1D11500 -- Used
Telemecanique Contactor 3 Pole 240 VAC 160A 600VAC 8in x 7in x 5.5in LC1D11500 -- Used
Telemecanique Contactor 3 Pole 240 VAC 160A 600VAC 7in x 5.5in x 5.5in LC1D11500 -- Used
Square D Company Electrical Interlock Coil NEMA Size 1 8in x 5in x 5in 211808 -- Used
Square D Company Electrical Interlock Ser A NEMA Size 1 Pole Starter 8536SCO3 -- Used
Square D Company Control Station Heavy Duty 600V GB 9.5in x 4in x 4in KY-4 -- Used
Square D Company Control Station Heavy Duty 600V GB 9.5in x 4in x 4in KY-4 -- Used
Cutler-Hammer Loadcenter Branch Breaker Box 12.75in x 7.5in x 4in CH2L125SP -- New
Standard 4-1/2-ft Wire Cable With Connecting Ends Vintage -- Used
Weksler Adjustable Angle 9-in Thermometer Gauge 61071 -- Used
Noshok Water Pressure Gauge H2O Vintage -- Used
Professional Threaded Conduit Bushing 3-1/2-in Metal -- Used