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Lot of 6 White Wire Shelving with Brackets
Lot of 6 White Wire Shelving with Brackets
- Condition - Used Good
- Four Sizes
- Glossy White Finish
- MPN - 033023-437
- Dimensions
- (2) 56-in W x 16-in D x 1/4-in H
- (2) 56-in W x 12-in D x 1/4-in H
- (1) 52-in W x 12-in D x 1/4-in H
- (1) 19-in W x 12-in D x 1/4-in H
- All Shelves Have 2-in Lip on One Side
- 9 Brackets (5) 17-in (4) 20-in
- Plus 7 plastic End Pieces
- Dimensions Disassembled Bundle - 56-in L x 17-in W x 4-in D
- Picture File - 033023-437p-CS