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Household Items
Everything for the House
AAC Glassware A04MXC Glass Vase 20in Tall x 9 3/4in Wide -- New
Luraline 96in Suspension Lighting Threaded Rod White HL302STEM Metal -- New
Luraline Suspension Lighting Threaded Rod 96in White HL302STEM Metal -- New
Standard 5in Round Plate Covers Lot of 60 White Metal -- Used
Standard Suspension Lighting Threaded Rod Qty 2 21in L White Metal -- Used
Lithonia 48in Fluorescent Recessed Light Fixture White Three Bulb T8 694-052315 -- Used
Lithonia 48in Fluorescent Recessed Light Fixture 47 3/4in x 23 3/4in 692-052315 -- Used
Cooper Lighting 48in Fluorescent Ceiling Fixture White 2M-232A125-277V-GL-MO-M2r -- New
48in Fluorescent Recessed Light Fixture 2PMO G B 33227LS1201/3MOTRNPWS1836LPS83 -- New
10in Gotham Compact Fluorescent Cylinder CFVL10 42TRT 9RW T73 120 GEB10 EOL DWHG -- New
Metal Plate for Fluorescent Light 20 Gauge Steel 45 1/2in x 5 1/2in x 1in -- Used
Focal Point 48in Fluorescent Light Fixture Recessed FCV-47-2T8-1C-277-D7-CV-HW -- New