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Household Items
Everything for the House
Pair of Beer Glasses (3 in. D. x 6 in. H.)
Pair of Etched Crystal Golblets (2-1/2 x 5 in.)
Single Drinking Glass (2-1/2 in. D. x 5-1/2 in. H.)
Crystal Salt and Pepper Shakers with Sterling Silver Top
Etched Crystal Miniature Goblets (2 in. D. x 4 in. H.)
Etched Crystal Cream and Sugar Set
Set of 6 Miniture Etched Crystal Goblets
Etched Crystal Wine Glasses (3 sets of 4)
Etched Crystal Wine Glasses 2 sets of 6
GE 8062614 65W R-40 Indoor Floodlight Bulb
The Bibb Company King Bedding Set Plus Pillows Blue/Gray Cotton Polyester -- Used
Lumens Bag For Light Fixture Black Genuine/OEM 16in x 15in x 6in Nylon -- Used