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Veranda Ottoman/Side Table Cover Large Beige Fits 26in x 26in Square 71982 -- New
$30.00 $37.00
sku: ss0001 022113-172z
Veranda Ottoman/Side Table Cover Large Beige Fits 26in x 26in Square 71982. Material: Fabric. Made In China. Veranda Collection patio furniture covers by Classic Accessories offer maximum protection with style. The dark splashguard hides stains and water spots while high-flow air vents protect furniture from mold and mildew. Buckled straps attach to furniture legs and help covers hold on in the worst weather. Water-resistant undercoating keeps the rain from penetrating, ensuring that your furniture stays high and dry. A convenient draw string hem affords a tight, custom fit while large padded handles make removal and adjustment of your cover convenient and hassle-free. All Veranda Collection covers feature a 3-year warranty guaranteeing replacement if damaged by dry-rot, the sun, or mold and mildew.
Condition: New
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
- Appearance Notes and Score: Minimum Handling - has not been used - 9
- Operational Notes and Score: None - 10
- Complete Item Notes and Score: None - 10
Source: Shelf Pull at the Store
Category: Yard & Outdoor Living
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