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Custom Made Pantry Storage Spice Racks Maple Set of 4
Custom Made Pantry Storage Spice Racks Maple Set of 4
- Used Good
- Fits into a cabinet or closet that is 24-in deep or more and about 32-in wide.
- 2-With Backing meant to be hung on a door.
- 2-Without Backing-Open Access
- 12-Individual Separate Shelving Pieces
- 3-Mounting Pieces for Optional Foldout Design
- Solid Maple Face
- Box is Maple Veneer
- Solid- Very Nicely Built
- Dimensions
- (2) 54-1/2-in H x 11-in W x 5-in D
- (2) 54-1/2-in H x 11-1/2-in W x 8-1/2-in D
- (12) 16-1/4-in L x 4-1/2-in W x 3/4-in H
- (2) 61-1/8-in H x 14-1/8-in W x 3/8-in D
- (1) 61-1/8-in H 4-1/2-in W x 3/4-in D
- Picture File 051822-330p