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Apple iMac 17in Flat Screen 1.83GHz Intel Core 80GB Hard Drive EMC 2114 A1195 -- Used
$74.00 $92.00
sku: 120614-204m
Apple iMac 17in Flat Screen 1.83GHz Intel Core 80GB Hard Drive EMC 2114 A1195. Material: Plastic. Material: Metal. Dimensions: 17in L x 17in W x 7in D - Approximate Size. Color: White. Country of Manufacture: China. Feature: 512MB Memory. Feature: Serial W86243N3V2H. Feature: Combo Drive. Powers onto nothing. Power adaptor and/or charger is not included. For items that do not power on or give access, the product specifications came from the exterior labels - actual specifications may be different once a person gains access to the internal information. Hard drive is Intel Core 2 Duo.
Condition: Parts/Not Working
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
- Appearance Notes and Score: Average Use - 5
- Operational Notes and Score: Powers onto nothing. - 2
- Complete Item Notes and Score: As Pictured. Power adaptor and/or charger is not included. For items that do not power on or give access, the product specifications came from the exterior labels - actual specifications may be different once a person gains access to the internal information. - as pictured
Source: Public or Government Agency
Category: Computers & Supplies
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