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Fisher Price Castle Wizard Tower Multi-Color Imaginext X7674 Plastic -- Used
$59.00 $73.00
sku: 070515-566k
UPC: 885133654333
- Fisher Price Castle Wizard Tower Multi-Color Imaginext X7674 Plastic.
- Exact item size plus or minus 1/4 inch - 12in length x 6in width x 15in height.
- Country of Manufacture: China.
- Item could use more cleaning. Jakemart just does a quick wipe down with a general purpose cleaner which does not remove stuck on materials.
- Batteries are NOT included with this item.
- Appearance Notes and Score: Average Use. Item could use more cleaning. Jakemart just does a quick wipe down with a general purpose cleaner which does not remove stuck on materials. - 5
- Operational Notes and Score: None - 10
- Complete Item Notes and Score: As Pictured. Batteries are NOT included with this item. - as pictured
Condition: Used Good
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
Source: Personal Collection
Category: Toys
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