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Heavy Duty Fire Flow Irrigation Pump 100HP 480/277v 3ph 1.5k gpm Steel -- Used
$15,383.00 $19,229.00
sku: md5555 112212-178k-C
Heavy Duty Fire Flow Irrigation Pump 100HP 480/277v 3ph 1.5k gpm Steel. Item Number: do7178k. Dimensions: 150in L x 55in W x 45in H. Color: Green/Gray. Made In United States. Can be used for irrigation on farms. Will work for a small hydrant network. Well maintained. Item was used as a fire system pump but is not needed anyrnore. Located on Portal Way in Ferndale Washington. Pump and motor assembly produced 1500 gpm+- for a small hydrant network. Was working fine when uninstalled. Motor is Westinghouse 100 HP 480v, 3 phase, 100 amp. This indudes soft start controller and panel. The owner of this item kept it very well maintained as they personally managed the property that it provided fire protection for.
Condition: Used Good
Item Inspection Notes and Scores: 10 excellent to 0 poor.
- Appearance Notes and Score: Average Use - 5
- Operational Notes and Score: None - 10
- Complete Item Notes and Score: None - 10
Source: Estate Sale
Category: Industrial Items
Operational as Described in the Listing
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