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Majestic Fireplaces Natural Gas Vented Fireplace Heater
Majestic Fireplaces Natural Gas Vented Fireplace Heater
- Condition - Used Very Good
- Certified for Installation in Bedroom or Sitting Room
- Must be properly connected to a venting system
- This item must be installed with local codes
- Use with Natural Gas
- Can be used with optional fan assembly
- Minimum wall thickness 4-in
- Maximum wall thickness 20-in
- Electrical Requirements - 120V 60Hz less than 12 AMPS
- 5-1/2-in W.C. Minimum
- 14-in W.C. Maximum
- Burner Orifice Size - 44-in OMS Main Burner
- Man. Press 3-1/2-in W.C.
- Altitude 0-610-m -13,650 BTUH Minimum
- 610-1370-m 19,500 BTUH Maximum
- Serial # GFRN2J0A053700149
- UPC - 642391025738
- Dimensions - 36-in W x 34-3/8-in H x 15-3/4-in D
- Picture File - 081623-925a-CS